About Us
STILLMORE was built on the belief that there is always, still more. There are still more problems to solve, gadgets to invent and ways to make everyday tasks easier. STILLMORE LLC specializes in tools designed for the glass industry that may have crossover uses in other trades. Their first patented tool under the STILLMORE LLC name, SWEEPSAVER is widely acclaimed. Continue to check back for new tools added. There is still more to come. Our products are guaranteed to surpass industry standards in quality and are made 100% in the USA.

Created out of need from a glass company that specializes in high-end complex shower doors installations. The SWEEPSAVER is known to take a lengthy and tedious job and cut it down to mere seconds. Saving you time and money. The tool is designed to efficiently cut vinyl soft-leg water diverters and sweeps precisely to your desired height. Thus creating the finishing touch to a custom shower door.